Monday, January 12, 2015

My Miffy Books

I have lots of books and I love to read all of them. I like to read Spot Takes A Bath, Spot Says Goodnight, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, and Goodnight Moon. Those are just some of my favorites right now. And I've discovered some more favorite books to read. They are Miffy books that my Mommy used to read when she was my age. She had a whole bunch of them that Gumma gave her before I was born. A few months ago, Mommy started reading them to me and I love them!

I guess they're kind of old books. Mommy says they are vintage books and she kept them up on a shelf out of my reach for a while. Now I know that you're not supposed to tear the pages out of books so she lets me keep them where I can easily get them. I love reading my Miffy books!

There are all of the Miffy books I have. My favorites are Miffy's Birthday, Miffy Goes Flying, and Miffy's Dream.

There's writing in the front of some of the books showing who gave them to my Mommy and when. This is neat!