Saturday, August 31, 2019

Date With Daddy!

I got to go on a date with Daddy last week and it was a lot of fun! We went on a date together because Molly was going to a birthday party, so Daddy said he'd take me somewhere special. He took me to Target and I got a JoJo hairbow!! It's so cool and so big and I love it! I also got some washi tape, an LOL clothing thing, and we got me and Molly matching shirts! It was a really fun time with Daddy. He's the best Daddy and I love him to pieces!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A Grown Up!

I have everything I need to be a grown up! I have my fake glasses, my wallet, my play phone, my play keys, my purse. I don't know what else I need. I'm totally a grown up!

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Pineapple Whip!

I've been wanting to try Pineapple Whip all summer and I finally got to last week! I love it! It's like ice cream, but not really ice cream. It's pineapple flavor and it was so good! It was really cold so I had to eat it kind of slowly to avoid getting a brain freeze. Mommy took us there after Molly's first day of Pre-K as something special to do for that day. I hope we can go back really soon for more!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

My TV Debut

I was on TV a few weeks ago and it was so much fun! KY3 was broadcasting their news show one night downtown on the square and I really wanted to go, so Mommy said okay! Me, Molly, and Mommy went to the square and watched the newscast and then went home and watched us on TV. It was really cool and you can watch me here! They were doing it for the Route 66 festival and we stayed to watch the parade they had with lots and lots of old cars. We even went back to the festival the next day with Daddy so he could look at all the car. He likes old cars like that. The Kona Ice truck was there so we all got Kona Ice. It was really hot, but really fun! I love being on TV and can't wait to be on it again!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

My Kindergarten Yearbook

Last year in kindergarten I got a yearbook and I LOVE looking at it! I've looked at it so many times that I probably have it memorized! It's fun to see all of the places that I'm in it and also seeing all my friends! I even had some of my friends sign my yearbook!

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

First Day Of First Grade!

Today was my first day of first grade! It was a good day and I really like my teacher. Her name is Mrs Hemphill and she is so super nice! I have some friends in my class that were in my class last year and I made a new friend, Cadi. I think she's really nice. I got to go to school yesterday to meet my teacher and see my classroom. That was fun and Mrs. Hemphill even gave me a jitter critter! It was a little stuff animal that I was supposed to snuggle with and it would hep my first day jitters go away. I snuggled with it last night and I think it helped! I woke up kind of early today and didn't eat breakfast because I was too excited and nervous. We went outside to take pictures and our neighbor, Mr. Mike, even came over to take a picture with me! That was super cool. I really like him, he's nice and fun. Mommy, Daddy, and Molly got to go into school with me and walk me to my classroom, so that was neat. I found a place to sit and then got my breakfast and they all had to leave. I was kind of sad and scared when the left, but it was all okay after that! I had computer class today and I even got to have two recesses. Mrs. Hemphill said we won't always have two, but for a little bit at the beginning we will. It was fun seeing my friends from last year out at recess.

It was a good day and I after school Mommy took us to get ice cream to celebrate the first day of school! I'm excited to go back for my second day of first grade!