Monday, May 11, 2020

I Lost TWO Teeth!!

Last week I lost TWO of my top front teeth! I still can't believe that I lost both teeth! It was kind of traumatic how it happened. Both of the teeth have been loose for quite a while and Mommy and Daddy have really wanted me to let them pull the teeth out, but I've said no! Well, Wednesday night Mommy and I were playing a new catch game we got and the ball hit my tooth and knocked it out of my mouth! I was so scared and it hurt really badly, too! Molly was even scared because she saw blood on my finger!

We got me all calmed down and cleaned up and then I got to put my tooth in the tooth fairy pillow! It was hard sleeping that night because my mouth still kind of hurt and I was excited for the tooth fairy to come. The next morning I found that she had left me a gold $1 coin and some of my favorite gum! I was so excited about it!

Later that morning I was biting into a muffin and I saw blood on my muffin. I called for Daddy and he came and realized that my tooth was just hanging and needed to be pulled out. I told him it was okay, so he pulled my second loose tooth out! I can't believe that I lost two teeth so close like that! The second tooth didn't really hurt coming out, but my mouth feels so super weird right now! It's even hard to talk and swallow and I think that I drool a lot now. Mommy says it will get better, but I don't know!

I put my tooth in the tooth fairy pillow again that night and found that she left me a $1 bill and some Starburst gum! I'd never had the Starburst gum before and I really like it! It's been fun having the tooth fairy visit, but I hope she doesn't have to visit me for a really long time now!

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