Sunday, June 2, 2024

Last Day of Elementary School!

I had my last day of elementary school on Thursday, May 23! It was a fun day, but I was tired because I had a hard time falling asleep the night before. I woke up to find that Mommy had decorated for my graduation! I thought it was pretty fun! 

We took our usual last day of school pictures at home and at school in front of the school sign and then we had a school assembly that morning. Mommy was there because of the PTA so she got to see my win the Citizenship Award for my class for the year! Only one person gets it for each class and this is actually my fourth time winning it! I won it in first, second, fourth, and fifth grade! I was really proud of this! I got some other awards, too.

We had a 5th Grade Clap Out that day where fifth grade parents got to come and clap for us as we talked down the hallways one last time. That was pretty fun but I was so sad and cried! It's just emotional because I have really liked Horace Mann Elementary School! 

We went home after school and Mommy got us Pineapple Whip to celebrate and then I got to open a few presents that Mommy had for me. One was a really pretty ring that has an L and my birthstone on it and one was a book Mommy has had all my teachers (since preschool) sign for me at the end of each school year. It was fun to read everything people wrote for me!