Sunday, July 28, 2024

Diaper Bank!

So this summer me, Molly, and Mommy have done some volunteer work at a local diaper bank. We've gone a couple of times but haven't been able to go back because we got busy and were gone on vacation. But I really liked what we did there and hope we can go back soon. 

We had to take diaper packages and open them and up repackaged in groups of 25. That was my job. Molly's job was to stick a note in the package that said how many diapers there were and what size and then she passed them on to Mommy. Mommy wrapped them in up saran warp and then Molly put them in the box to go back on the pallets. I really enjoyed doing this and liked that I was spending my time helping people! I hope we can go back again before school starts! 

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